About the Journal
Between 1860 and 1866/67, the Physico-Medical Society of Würzburg published six volumes of the Würzburger Journal of Natural Sciences. Printing and distribution were handled by the Stahel’sche Book and Art Store. The editorial team included, in varying combinations, Heinrich Müller (1820–1864), August Schenk (1815–1891), Joseph Eberth (1835–1926), Friedolin Sandberger (1826–1898), and Albert von Koelliker (1817–1905).
The journal featured specialist contributions, along with the proceedings of the Physico-Medica for the years 1860 to 1865/66 and the Society’s annual reports. These reports also appeared concurrently in the Würzburger Medical Journal. The Würzburger Journal of Natural Sciences was discontinued after the publication of the sixth volume.